Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello, everybody. Today Easy English Expression is:


Meaning: in the country, but not just the regular country. FAR in the country, where there's nobody around
+ OUT: way far away

+ In the STICKS: in the woods, in the forest, in the trees (trees are big STICKS)

Ý nghĩa: ở một miền quê, nhưng không phải là miền quê bình thường mà RẤT XA trong vùng quê đó, nơi không có một bóng người xung quanh.
+ OUT: có nghĩa là xa, rất xa, xa tít
+ In the STICKS: có nghĩa là ở trong rừng (những cái cây là những cái que, gậy lớn - big STICKS)

For example - Ví dụ:
I heard Shane moved.
Tôi nghe nói Shane chuyển đi rồi.
Yeah. He's out in the sticks now.
Đúng vậy. Bây giờ ông ấy chuyển đến một nơi xa tít tận trong rừng rồi.
How far out?
Xa tít thế nào?
Far! He lives on a mountain with no neighbors!
Rất xa! Ông ấy sống trên một quả núi không có hàng xóm gì cả!

Video's transcript:
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to E3 (E-cubed). Today we have a fun expression. It’s actually about me but maybe you too. Out in the sticks. So, out in the sticks, we have two prepositions, out, in, the sticks. The sticks. Well, this is a good expression and it means in the country, but not just the regularly country, far in the country, where there is nobody around, that’s why we say out. Out means way far away. In the sticks means in the woods, in the forest, in the trees. Trees are big sticks. So, out in the sticks means way far into the country.

Check out the dialogue:

I heard Shane moved.
Yeah. He's out in the sticks now.
How far out?
Far! He lives on a mountain with no neighbors!

That’s right. My neighbors are rabbits, and deer, and hornets, bugs, spiders, lots of grass, lots of birds. Yeah, these are my neighbors. I’m out in the sticks. I used to be in the city, but now I’m out in the sticks and I really enjoy it. Is it lonely? Not at all. I have my cats. My cats and I we live out in the sticks, and I really do like it. What about you? Do you live out in the sticks? Would you like to live out in the sticks? Now, if we take the word out away and just say in the sticks, it means in the country. If we say out in the sticks it means far into the deep country. Does out in the sticks sound nice to you or just in the sticks? Or do you prefer the city? Leave a message down below: I would love to live out in the sticks. I would love to live in the sticks. I would love to live in the city. You can leave a message like that and I’ll see them all, I'll see all of your messages and I do that. You guys have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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