Friday, September 4, 2015

E-cubed 828: Sticks and stones may break my bones

Today's E-cubed:  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.!!

Chúng ta sử dụng expression này trong trường hợp khi ai đó nói xấu chúng ta, expression này mang ý nghĩa: Lời nói gió bay/Gậy gộc và đất đá có thể làm tôi đau, nhưng lời nói thì không thể làm tôi tổn thương được.


Hello, everybody. Welcome back to daily easy English expression. Thank you very much for watching my videos. I love you. Oh, yes. Today's expression, it's actually a little bit similar to yesterday. Somebody asks me about the expression "sticks and stones." Yes. It's a great expression. And, there're two versions. In America, we say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me." And there is another version "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." So what it means is, sticks - that's a piece of wood from a tree. You know, that's the idea, broken part of a tree, sticks. And stones - rocks. Sticks and stones may. And in this case may means might. It's possible. Sticks and stones may break my bones. If you throw a stone at me. I could break my arm. If you hit me with a stick, I could break my arm. So sticks and stones might break my bones. But names, words will never harm me. Names, words will never hurt me. So if you call me an idiot, no problem. It doesn't bother me. Nah nah nah nah nah nah. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Names will never harm me. It's what children say. It's what children are taught. Okay. And the idea, you know, Johny was teasing me. Daddy, daddy, daddy, Johny called me a bad word. Well, son. Don't worry. Sticks and stones might break your bones, but names will never harm you. Sticks and stones might break my bones, but names will never harm me. That's the idea, it's something we teach to kids. But I have a question, and I'll ask my question after you listen to the dialogue.

Oh my god~ Shane, you're so skinny and bald!
Let's call him "baldy bones"
Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Baldy, baldy, baldy bones~~
But names will never hurt me!

Whatever. You know, baldy bones. Baldy - losing my hair. Bones - too skinny. Yeah. You can say anything you want to me, but it's not going to hurt me. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names, words, they will never, ever, ever hurt me. That's not true. Some people are really sad. Some people get really depressed. Some people cry. Sure. It's true.

So, if you have a little boy or a little girl, do you want your son or daughter to be like this "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Or do you want your son or daughter to do this "What? What did you say to me? What did you call me? Huh? Huh?" Would you like your son or daughter to start a fight? Lots of kids. You know. Not all kids. Of course. Not all kids, but many kids, many boys, may girls, they, they don't like other people calling them names. So they wanna fight them. What do you think? What do you think? So do you want to be passive? Nice? No fighting, no fighting. Or do you want to be aggressive? And puupp, and hit them. Think about your children. And what about you? I'm sure some of you like to fight. And, some of you never want to fight. But I think most of us are in the middle. Me, what about me. Well, to be honest, I want the options. I want to, I want to make the decision. Oh, this guy is calling me names. But he's much bigger than me. Well, sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. And I'll run away. But, some guys, what? You're calling me names? And you're a skinny guy? Shut up! I would like the options as a child. Now, I'm an adult. I don't care. Yeah, I don't care. Really. This is not my own business. Names will never hurt me. Uh yeah, as an adult I don't care. But as a child. I remember as a child, I was a small child. I was a little kid. And to be honest, there are guys that I wanted to just ... I wanted to. I really did. But those guys that I wanted to ... were bigger than me. And, and they were less intelligent. And I'm sorry. Sometimes, less intelligent people, when you hit them, they're so unintelligent. They don't feel the pain. And they keep fighting. So you could be hitting them, and kicking them, and kneeing them in their face. And they keep coming. That's dangerous. Because that person doesn't stop kicking, hiting to. Be careful. If I had a son, what would I do? I would encourage him to be passive. But, son, sometimes the hand, it's mightier than the pen. That's not just me. That's same thing with the daughter. If I have a daughter, I teach her, I teach her how to kick so hard. Kick, kick like a, kick like Beckham. I don't know. Beckham kicks hard.

That's it. That's today's expression. I'm curious about your opinion. What about you? You as a child, did you always want to be passive? Did you sometimes want to be aggressive or were you always aggressive? What's the situation. Did you get into a fight? I wanna know. I wanna know your dirty dark secrets. Actually I don't want to know your dirty dark secret. I just want to know what you think about this. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me. It's a child, children's poem. Pretty much American know it. So you should, too. Thank you very much. Have a great day. Check out the dialogue three more times. And I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

E-cubed 827: takes one to know one

Today's E-cubed:  It takes one to know one~!!

Chúng ta sử dụng expression này trong trường hợp khi ai đó nói xấu chúng ta, expression này mang ý nghĩa: từ bụng ta mà suy ra bụng người/hãy xem lại bản thân mình trước khi nói người khác thế này thế nọ. Ngụ ý chỉ những người đó cũng xấu giống như những gì họ nói về chúng ta.


Hello, everybody. Welcome back to daily easy English expression. Today we have an useful expression. If somebody says something bad about you, especially if they call you a bad name likes you're stupid, or you're an idiot, or even worse. You know, they use the bad words. Whatever. In your languages. Whatever. I hope they never do. People shouldn't do that. But sometimes they do. So in America, we have this expression. If somebody calls me, "Hey, idiot!" They call me an idiot. Then I can say, "Takes one to know one." It takes one to know one. It takes one to know one. In this case, takes mean requires. So the idea of this expression is in order to know if I am an idiot then you too must be an idiot. It takes one to know one. That's the idea. It is ilogical. But anyway that's what we say. So you could say to me, "Coach Shane, you're so ugly." It takes one to know one. It requires an ugly person to know whether or not I'm ugly. So, if you think I'm ugly. That means you are also ugly. We're brothers. We are ugly brothers. Shane, you are such a terrible cook. You can't cook. It takes one to know one. In order to know if I am a bad cook, then you too must be a bad cook. You are a terrible cook. Therefore, you know that I am a terrible cook. Do you see how this expression works. Yeah, I like it. It always makes me feel good. Because if I'm an idiot, boom.. then you are an idiot, too. We're idiots. Ha ha ha... Yeah, let's check out a dialogue.

You cook all that food? You're such a liar~~
Pfft~ It takes one to know one.
Ha! I never lie. I always tell the truth.
Then why do you dye your hair?

Oooh, yeah. We have one of my DDM students. His name is David. He's from Brazil. And whenever he sees my cooking pictures, my food pictures on Facebook, he always says something likes "You didn't make that. You're lying. No way. You bought that. Your mom made it. He never believes that I actually do the cooking. He calls me a liar. Wow, David. It takes one to know one. If you think I'm a liar, you must be a liar. Because in order to know whether or not I'm lying, you must also be a liar. So David, you are a liar, too. Just like me.

Do you understand this situation? The guy says, I never lie. And then the other guy says, so why do you dye your hair? To dye your hair, to color your hair. Yeah I know lots of people. People who. I'm sorry. If... Now. There are some, I know some Asian guys whose hairs are turning gray, or white, actually gray very young. But in general, in general, you know the Asian, Korean, African, American that I know from the army, their hair stays dark for really long time. But white guys, and I can only speak for myself, my family, people that I know when we get like 30, the hair starts changing. OK. My hair, it's like silver. Silver. No gold. Just silver. OK. But, you know that I just cut my hair. And many people dye their hair. They dye their hair. They dye their mustache. They're liars. Should I dye my hair? You guys be honest. Be honest. Now look. You know I obviously have more energy than most 20 year old. But I look like a 60 year old. So maybe it's stressful for you guys. Should I dye my hair dark color so that I look younger. So that it matches my energy level. Or should I leave my hair silver. Silver hair, balding hair. Yeah. What can I do? No secret, gray, bald, wrinkles. What you see is what you get. No lies here. Now, don't worry. If you dye your hair, if you dye your mustache, that's your business. Go ahead. Feel free. Anyways, it's a great expression. It takes one to know one. It takes one to know one. If somebody says something bad about you. Buum. It takes one to know one. You can use that expression. Shane, you're so handsome. It takes one to know one. Shane, you're so smart. It takes one to know one. Shane, you're the greatest English teacher in the world. It takes one to know one. Now actually we don't use it in positive situations. But you could, you could do it. Sure. Why not? Yeah. So do you think I'm handsome? You think I'm pretty smart? It takes one to know one. You, too. We usually use this expression in a negative situation. But again, it's possible to use it in a positive situation. Let's check out the dialogue three more times. And by the way, if you're not a member of DDM or PIRF, what are you waiting for? Go to website, sign up today. Thanks a lot, guys. Have a great one. I'll see you again tomorrow. Bye bye.

Friday, July 17, 2015

E-cubed 799: Aw, shucks~!!

Today's E-cubed:  Aw, shucks~!!

Chúng ta sử dụng expression này trong trường hợp khi ai đó khen ngợi chúng ta, expression này mang ý nghĩa: thật ngại quá, xấu hổ quá, mình chưa phải tuyệt vời như thế để tỏ sự khiêm tốn.

Mike, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work.
Well, it was just my job.
No, sir. You did much more. You are the kindest man I know.
Aw, shucks~ I’m just an average Joe~

Thursday, July 16, 2015

E-cubed 798: an average Joe

Today's E-cubed:  an average Joe

Joe là tên gọi dành cho nam, an average Joe có nghĩa là một người đàn ông bình thường như bao người đàn ông khác, không có gì đặc biệt cả.
Đối với phụ nữ, chúng ta sử dụng expression: a plain Jane cũng mang nghĩa là một người phụ nữ bình thường như bao người khác.

How did Ryan become so powerful?
It’s a mystery. He’s always been just an average Joe~
I know. Does he have lots of money?
No! He’s just as poor as you and me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

E-cubed 797: Golly!

Today's E-cubed:  Golly!!

Expression trong bài học này là một cách để chúng ta bày tỏ sự ngạc nhiên một cách dân dã. Bạn có thể sử dụng expression này trong nhiều trường hợp, với các bé con đáng yêu như trong ví dụ sau:

Uncle Shane!! Look at my drawing!
Golly! Is that me?
No!! It’s a bear!!!
Well, I kind of look like a bear, don’t I?!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

E-cubed 796: see a man about a horse (dog)

Today's E-cubed:  see a man about a horse (dog)

Oh no. Here comes Peter.
He is SO highbrow~
Hi, guys! What’s up! Having fun?
Hi, Peter.
Hi, Peter. Sorry, guys, I gotta go see a man about a horse.


Hello, everybody. Welcome back to daily easy English expression. Thank you very much for watching this video. Remember, you can see all of my videos. I have different styles of videos, different lessons of everything. We've got all of my podcasts. You can see them and download them if you go to the website: Now, this specific video is sponsored by our book club. You can get a free audio book if you listen at the end of the podcast. I'll tell you how to get a free audio book. And I'll tell you the new book that we're going to discuss next week. It's gonna be fantastic. I'm very excited about the new book. Okay.

Today's expression is see a man about a horse, and also we say see a man about a dog. I'm going to see a man about a horse. I'm going to go see a man about a horse, or a dog. It's, some parts of America, they say dog, some parts they say horse. Where I'm from, Wisconsin, we say horse. So I'm gonna see a man about a horse. What does it mean? Does it mean I'm going to see somebody and ask him about a horse? So do you have a horse? How much is a horse? How big is a horse? Is it a fat horse? Is it a small horse? Is it a tiny pony? Yeah. Well, yes. That's what it means. But this is an expression. And what this expression means is excuse me. When you want to leave for usually a temporary amount of time that's a minute, five minutes. We use this expression. Especially guys when we're drinking beer and I have to go to the bathroom. I don't say "Excuse me, man. I must go use the toilet." No, I don't say that. We say: "Excuse me, man. I wanna go see a man about a horse." And then go to the bathroom. It's cool. Yeah. So, if we're in a situation where we want to leave. Especially guys when we want to the bathroom, we can use this expression. So, can women use this expression? Why not? I don't think I ever heard a woman use this expression. But why not? Oh, I wanna go see a man about a horse. Sure. Why not? Yeah. Let's check out a dialogue.

Oh no. Here comes Peter.
He is SO highbrow~
Hi, guys! What’s up! Having fun?
Hi, Peter.
Hi, Peter. Sorry, guys, I gotta go see a man about a horse.

That happens to me. If I'm with my family. You know I've got lots of uncles, aunts and uncles, lots of aunts and uncles. So we're having a nice conversation talking about hunting or fishing or cars. You know men conversation. And then my uncle Dan. My uncle Dan, he's a. I'm not joking. He's a, a hugely successful business man, extremely sucessful. And my other uncles, they fish and hunt. They're real men. They have regular jobs. My uncle Dan, he's a. Oh hello, men. So, have you been investing in the stock market? What do you think of the political situation in America at the moment? What are you views of... abla bla bla.. Shut up, uncle Dan. I gotta go see a man about a horse. I don't wanna be there because when my uncle Dan starts talking, my other uncles start arguing. Then there's a big fight. And, I don't wanna be there. Don't worry. Uncle Dan will not watch this video. Uncle Dan, uncle Dan, if you're watching this video, I wanna say that I love you and when I was young, you did that trick, that magic trick with the matches. I though that was so cool. Yeah. I miss you uncle Dan.

Friday, July 3, 2015

E-cubed 792: the lowest common denominator

Today's E-cubed:  the lowest common denominator: nhóm người có nhận thức thấp

What are you doing?
Checking out the magazines.
They’re for the lowest common denominator~ Hello?
Okay! I’ll stay away~~

Cậu đang làm gì thế?
Tớ đang tìm mấy cuốn tạp chí để đọc.
Chúng chỉ dành cho nhóm người có nhận thức thấp thôi ~ Xin chào nhé?
Được rồi! Tớ sẽ tránh xa~

Thursday, July 2, 2015

E-cubed 791: You know your Greeks!

Today's E-cubed:  You know your ~: Bạn đúng là am hiểu về ~

Who said “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak?”
Wow! You know your Greeks!
Piece of cake!

Ai là người nói “Chúng ta có hai cái tai và chỉ một cái miệng vì thế chúng ta có thể lắng nghe nhiều hơn gấp hai lần những gì chúng ta nói?”
Òa! Bạn đúng là am hiểu về những người Hy Lạp nổi tiếng nhỉ.
Đơn giản như húp cháo ý mà.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

E-cubed 790: more than one way to skin a cat

Today's E-cubed:  more than one way to skin a cat: có nhiều cách để thực hiện một việc gì đó

I want you to study, go to college and get a good job.
Dad, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
That’s the best way~ 
It’s not the only way~ I’m gonna be a pro gamer!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

E-cubed 789: to have a chip on your shoulder

Today's E-cubed:  to have a chip on your shoulder: tâm trạng tức giận, cay cú ai đó

You going to Chuck’s party?
It’s gonna be fun.
You still have a chip on your shoulder~
He’s not nice to me and he thinks he’s so great.