Wednesday, June 21, 2017

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours~

Today's E-cubed:  You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours~

Có đi có lại mới toại lòng nhau!
Nếu bạn giúp tôi thì tôi sẽ giúp lại bạn. Nếu anh làm cho tôi cái này thì tôi sẽ làm giúp anh cái kia = If you help me, I will help you.

Cùng luyện tập đoạn hội thoại sau:

Can you help edit this video for me, honey?
Why me?
You’re better and faster than I am.
Well…will you wash the dishes? 
Sure! You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!

Monday, May 9, 2016

E-cubed 980: meant to be

Today's E-cubed:  meant to be

We was meant to be: We was destined to be together. The God, the fate, the universe was going to put us together and keep us together.
We was not meant to be: We came together, but the universe didnot agree.
"meant to be": sinh ra là để cho nhau, là một cặp đôi trời sinh

Cùng luyện tập đoạn hội thoại sau:

You like washing your car in the rain, too?
Yeah! Hey, are you wearing Superman socks, too?
Of course! You wouldn’t happen to like ketchup on your ice cream, would you?
I LOVE IT! We are SO meant to be!