Friday, May 8, 2015

E-cubed 756: to put the kibosh on something

Today's E-cubed:  to put the kibosh on something: ngăn cản, cản trở việc gì đó

What happened to your restaurant idea?
Oh~ My dad put the kibosh on it. 
He said I couldn’t even make a grilled cheese sandwich~ 


Thursday, May 7, 2015

E-cubed 755: Alls I need is...

Today's E-cubed:  alls I need is..: tất cả những gì tôi cần là... (thứ duy nhất tôi cần là...)

What do you need to be happy?
Happy? Alls I need is a million dollars!
Alls I know is that’ll never happen.
Alls you do is destroy my dreams.
Alls I’m saying is go get a job!