Hey everybody. Welcome back to E-cubed. As I promised
yesterday, today I will focus on the phrasal verb “to turn in”. Now, to turn in
can have several meanings. I’m going to focus on two.
Number 1, to turn in something. To turn in something means to
give something to somebody who asked for it. And the easy example is homework.
Turn in your homework to the professor. Turn in a proposal to the boss. So,
when you give something to a teacher, or to a boss. Basically, those are the
two main situations. You turn something in. They asked for something. You did
it and then you turn it in. Okay? We can use it in other situations, too. For
example, the police have asked the public to turn in their weapons, to turn in
drugs. To give something to somebody. That’s the idea.
Another definition of “to turn in” means to go to bed. What
time did you turn in last night? What time did you go to bed last night? So
those are two very common definitions of the phrasal verb “to turn in”. Okay?
Listen to the dialogue.
A: Did you turn in the assignment?
B: Yes! Now I’m free.
A: So, what are you gonna do?
B: I’m gonna turn in early tonight. I’m tired.
B: Yes! Now I’m free.
A: So, what are you gonna do?
B: I’m gonna turn in early tonight. I’m tired.
That would be nice to turn in early. What time do you usually
turn in? Leave a message down below and I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Bye bye.
CHÚ Ý Trong bài học này chúng ta cần chú ý tới 2 định nghĩa phổ biến của cụm động từ
“to turn in”.
1. “to turn in something” có nghĩa là nộp cho ai đó, đưa cho
ai đó những thứ mà họ yêu cầu. Tình huống thông dụng là giáo viên giao bài tập
về nhà, sinh viên làm xong bài tập thì mang đi nộp bài (turn in).
2. “to turn in” cũng có nghĩa là đi ngủ (= go to bed)